Peanuts & Plant Mitchell

Plant Mitchell is an important stop on the Georgia Peanut Tour since attendees were also able to learn more about the ongoing research project at the plant through the University of Georgia. In the past Plant Mitchell included peanut hulls in their burn mixtures that fire the plant. For the future if the plant converts to a biofuel burning facility, then the biomass ash by-product that is left after the burn could potentially be used to spread on agricultural fields (including peanuts) within a 40 to 50 mile radius of the plant.

Glen Harris, soil scientist at the University of Georgia, discussed to tour attendees how farmers use gypsum on their peanuts. According to Harris, there are a number of different gypsum (aka landplaster) or calcium sulfate sources currently available to the Georgia peanut grower for use.  The origin of these materials can be quite different.  For example, US Gypsum’s “USG 500” is a naturally mined product.  PCS’s “wet bulk” is a by-product of the phosphorous fertilizer industry in Florida.  Both of these materials have been available to Georgia peanut growers for a long time.

“Smoke stack”, or more technically “flue gas desulfurized” (FGD) gypsum is relatively new and is a by-product of scrubbing sulfur dioxide out of emissions from coal burning power plants.  This material has been tested and is considered safe for use on peanuts.  In addition, FGD gypsum has been tested against other gypsum sources such as USWG 500 and PCS wetbulk in recent UGA field research trials and ha proven to be equally effective in terms of supplying calcium to peanuts to improve yield, grade and germination.

Scott Tubbs, University of Georgia cropping systems agronomist, is working on a three-year research project with row crops in cooperation with Georgia Power’s Plant Mitchell. Through the study Tubbs and other researchers are evaluating the use of wood ash as a lime substitute or soil amendment in the South. Generally, results from studies on traditional agricultural crops indicate that ash is an excellent lime substitute, reacting quickly with the soil and producing growth response as good as, or better, than agricultural lime. In Georgia (as well as in most southern states), wood ash is considered a safe and valuable soil amendment. Tubbs will compare the soil pH on a variety of cropping systems for three years. He also will study the type of wood ash used and ash rate. The application of wood ash will be made on Year 1, and the study will be carried out for three cropping years.

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Focus on Energy at Plant Mitchell

The next stop on the Georgia Peanut Tour focused on energy! Tour attendees visited Georgia Power’s Plant Mitchell which is located on 243 acres in Dougherty and Mitchell counties. Plant Mitchell is a 288, 200-kilowatt coal-fired and combustion turbine facility. Although small in comparison to some generating stations in the nation, Plant Mitchell provides enough electricity in six months to power a town the size of nearby Albany. At lunch on Thursday afternoon of the tour, attendees were able to learn more about this plant and its function and benefits to the community from John Crowell.

There are three units (generators) at the plant with different megawatt producing capabilities. Plant Mitchell also has three combustion turbines that use jet engines to turn the generators. These jet engines are the same engines used on many airplanes today. These generators are rated at 32 megawatts each.  Plant Mitchell operates on the same principles as other fossil-fueled electric generating plants. Coal that has been ground into a fine powder by a pulveriser is blown into a furnace-like device, called a boiler, and burned. The heat produced coverts water, which runs through a series of pipes in the boiler, to steam. The high-pressure steam turns the blades of a turbine, which is connected by a shaft to a generator. The generator spins and produces electricity.

Environmental compliance, economic effects, safety and health, and employee and community support are all observed by Plant Mitchell. The plant follows the strict environmental standards incorporated by Georgia Power, monitors all environmental trends, and makes continuous improvements to Plant Mitchell. The plant has had a significant effect on the economic vitality of Dougherty and Mitchell counties. Operated and maintained by Georgia Power, Plant Mitchell is a vital part of Georgia’s energy and economic growth. The work accomplished at the plant truly matches the company’s mission statement which is “Plant Mitchell will produce electricity in a safe, reliable and efficient manner through continuous employee involvement, therefore, maintaining respect as “A Citizen Wherever We Serve.”

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Mitchell County Ag Update

Max DeMott, Mitchell County Extension Coordinator, provided information to the Georgia Peanut Tour attendees regarding agriculture production in Mitchell County.  There were a total of 32,098 acres planted this year and seventy-seven percent of the peanuts are irrigated, with twenty-three percent being dryland. Concerning the estimated peanut production in tons for the county, he says that county averages around 4,000-4,500 lbs. This year will be much higher. Some dryland fields have already been harvested at 4,500 lbs. The major crops in Mitchell County include cotton, peanuts, field corn, pecans, sweet corn (in order of acres planted).  Insects and disease have been some of the most troublesome production issues for area farmers this year. However, DeMott says that so far the peanut crop in the county looks excellent.

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How do Farmers Know When to Dig Peanuts?

The question many folks on the 2012 Georgia Peanut Tour wonder is, “How do farmers know when to dig their peanuts?” Farmers utilize the hull scrape method and peanut profile board to determine when to dig and the resulting yield and grade means money to farmers. Farmers also have to look at the date the peanuts were planted and count the days to maturity. In the last 20 days of the production season peanuts gain in yield and some put on 30 percent of their yield in the last two to three weeks of the growing season. Farmers can’t just ride by their fields to know when to dig and they can’t put the peanuts back in the ground after digging. Peanuts are an indeterminate crop and some fields planted on the same date may mature at different times based on cultivar selection, soil type or weather patterns. The Peanut Profile Board was created more than 30 years ago. View this video below of Max DeMott II, Mitchell County Extension Agent, as he discusses how farmers determine when it is time to dig their peanuts.

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A New Twist on the Original PB&J – Try it Grilled

Each year on the Georgia Peanut Tour attendees are treated to Grilled PB&Js. Yes, that’s right – they are grilled! Thanks to Tyron Spearman of the National Peanut Buying Points Association for visiting with the group and grilling sandwich. According to Tyron the trick is to mix your peanut butter and jelly before spreading it on your bread. Then coat the outside with butter and grill just like you would a grill cheese sandwich. Check out this quick video highlighting a new twist to America’s favorite sandwich.

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Rain Is A Good Thing….So Is Irrigation!

Our second stop of the day on the Peanut Tour was in Camilla, Ga., at the Stripling Irrigation Research Park. The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences operates this state-of-the-art irrigation research and education center as part of their efforts in agricultural irrigation. We hopped on trolleys and took to the research plots to listen to the latest in irrigation research from the UGA scientists. When rain is not an option for our hard working farmers, we turn to irrigation and our researchers.

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Up, Up, and Away We Go!

What a fantastic way to start off the last day of the Peanut Tour at Thrush Aircraft in Albany, Ga. The staff and participants on the 2012 Peanut Tour were given an opportunity most would love to have. As the tour began I looked like a kid on Christmas morning when they see their gifts from Santa. From start to finish I saw first hand how the aircrafts were built from the guts of the motor to the paint on the body and tail. Before today I never knew exactly how something so powerful and intelligent like an aircraft was built and exactly who was behind it. But now I can stand firm and say that there are many hard working men and women who work at Thrush Aircraft who put in long hours to make the machines perform to their best ability. My advice to you….take a tour and see what they have to offer!

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Southern Hospitality, Low-Country Boil and Peanut Butter Icecream

The Georgia Peanut Tour focuses on educating attendees about the quality of Georgia peanuts. However, the tour also promises to tout true Southern hospitality and great food while on the tour. This year is no exception! Tour attendees were treated to a reception sponsored by the American Peanut Shellers Association on Wednesday night and then a low-country boil sponsored by Dow AgroSciences. Marvin Stewart, regional sales rep. with Dow AgroSciences,  has attended all 26 peanut tours and also cooked the low-country boil for every tour. At the end of the night Marvin and his team of Dow folks served ice cream and this year everyone has three different kinds to sample from including Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate with Peanut Butter swirls or Snickers ice cream. All three were fabulous and a great way to end the evening at Chehaw Educational Center.

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Keep the Aflatoxins out with JLA Global

JLA Global is a peanut quality control testing corporation that has facilities all over the world. Today, the participants on the Georgia Peanut Tour visited the laboratory that is located in Albany, GA. The lab offers a variety of tests for many different diseases in multiple commodities. Participants learned specifically of disease testing in peanuts, mainly aflatoxin. The peanuts are sent from shellers and manufacturers to ensure their safety to see that the consumer receives the best product possible.

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Dougherty County Ag Update

The Georgia Peanut Tour centered this year out of Albany, Ga. which is located in Dougherty County. The local Extension Coordinator, James Morgan, provided an update on agriculture in the area. He says the peanut crop in Dougherty County looks good to excellent this year. 85% of peanuts are irrigated and 15% non-irrigated, and the estimated peanut production in the county is 5,500-6,000lbs. Peanuts are one of the major crops grown in Dougherty County as well as pecans, corn, cotton, soybean and wheat. There have been some weather-related issues troubling some farmers such as white mold disease in some peanut fields, but, again, the peanut crop looks good. Other information Morgan included highlighted  peanut-related industries such as Tara Foods, Mars Chocolate, Thrush Aircraft and more. Learn more about Dougherty County through the Extension Service office.

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