Peanut CRSP

David Cummings presented information on the Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) during the Hot Topics Seminar prior to the tour. The goals of CRSP are to enhance research capability in developing countries and the United States and to focus this capability on the alleviation of major researchable constraints that limit sustainable peanut production and food delivery through an environmentally sound system. The Peanut CRSP has three major research sectors based on priorities across the peanut value chain:

  • Producer values – addressing issues that make peanuts more competitive and rewarding for farmers
  • Processor values – exploiting opportunities to add greater values to peanuts through processing and market development
  • Consumer values – increasing the flavor, nutritional and health-promoting values of peanuts as a component of the diet

The Peanut CRSP is a program supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), US universities, and developing country institutions.

Substantial technical and economic advancement has occurred in many host countries because of collaborative research between U.S. and national scientists. The USA’s peanut industry also presently benefits by at least 10 dollars for each dollar invested in the Peanut CRSP, based on variety releases alone. Future benefits to US agriculture will increase due to new technologies such as the development of virus resistances in the pipeline, and the basic research coming to fruition on aflatoxin.

The program involves 10 U.S. States, 13 Universities and 16 nations from 4 continents. For additional information visit the Peanut CRSP Web site.