Webster and Taylor Counties Ag Update


Laura Griffeth, Webster County Extension coordinator, explains how farmers use the profile board to determine when peanuts are ready for harvest.

Webster County Extension Update
Laura Griffeth, Webster County Extension Coordinator, says farmers in Webster County have had major issues with drought and weed control this growing season. There has also been an increase in the amount of insects this year. Farmers planted 5,630 acres of peanuts with approximately 60 percent planted on dryland and 40 percent on irrigated land. Cotton is the major crop grown in Webster County, but peanuts and cattle fall right in behind.

Taylor County Extension Update
Jeff Cook, Taylor County Extension Coordinator, says the peanut crop in the county looks good this year. Peanut acreage in Taylor County ranges from about 1,500 to 2,000 acres and the county produces more peaches than peanuts. Farmers have faced issues in the middle of the growing season with heat and drought and are expected to produce 3,000 pounds per acre. Taylor County also produces cattle, poultry, and other row crops.

View the 2010 Georgia Peanut Tour Photo Album.