Tim Brenneman, University of Georgia research plant pathologist, focuses his research projects on soilborne disease in peanuts. In the Southwest corner of Georgia, nematodes can cause a lot of damage to peanuts so Brenneman focuses his research at the UGA Attapulgus Research and Education Center on nematodes. “In Attaplugus we have some great fields to study nematodes,” Brenneman says. “The soils are very sandy and very conducive to high nematode populations.”
According to Brenneman, there are some new nematicides and new peanut varieties that are nematode resistant. His research trials focus on two new nematicides and the different ways to use those and use of those new products on susceptible varieties and the new nematode resistant varieties.
Brenneman has also noticed a huge outbreak of white mold this year in Georgia. He says, white mold is one of the oldest diseases for peanuts in Georgia and in his almost 30 years of work, this has been some of the worst white mold he has seen in a long time. The weather conditions have been very favorable for white mold this year.