Attendees also learned about peanut diseases from Dr. Tim Brenneman, University of Georgia research and Extension plant pathologist. His main research on peanuts revolves around soil borne diseases including white mold, Rhizoctonia, Cylindrocladium black rot. He also works on nematodes and nematode management. He works on a very active program developing fungicides and overall management programs for farmers. According to Brenneman, the 2014, crop has not been severe for disease issues so far. Early on we had a few issues with seedling disease, Aspergillus Crown rot and getting good stands established. That was early in the year so most farmers were able to get a reasonable stand. “Recently, we have had a lot of underground white mold and I think we are in the initial stages on seeing how that will develop,” Brenneman says. “I think there is a lot we will learn as peanuts are being dug.”